Dads Can Rock Christmas With These Fun Ideas…

Dads Can Rock Christmas With These Fun Ideas…
Dads Can Rock Christmas With These Fun Ideas…

Dads can sometimes feel lost in the holiday shuffle between the school plays, Christmas parties, Christmas pictures, picking out gifts, and decorating. But, we have listed a few quality, holiday activity ideas dads can do to spend more time with their kids this Christmas season.

Make or Decorate Christmas Cookies

Maybe you’re not into cooking and cleaning up the mess that comes with baking your own holiday cookies. The fun part with Christmas cookies is always in the decorating. You can buy plain old cookies, frosting, sprinkles, and other yummy treats to decorate those cookies and bypass most of the mess. This can also be applied to any gingerbread houses and cupcakes. You can even buy a gingerbread house in a kit to make decorating simple. As long as you’re spending quality time with your kid, that’s the only thing that matters.

Make Ice Sculptures

If you are lucky enough to live in a winter wonderland, creating things with ice can be fun and entertaining for anyone. You can add water or snow to almost any plastic bottle, then add colored dye, leaves, toys, cranberries, and set them outside to freeze. Voilà! You’ve just created beautiful frozen art pieces you can line your deck or walkway with. Pinterest has many pictures that may help inspire your winter wonderland experiment.

Drive Around to See the Lights

Check your local newspaper and find out where all the light shows will be and then take the kids on a night drive to see them. You can put hot chocolate in a thermos, make PB&J sandwiches, throw in few of those good Christmas cookies, and have a family picnic. And of course, you can enjoy all the pretty lights.

Make Mom a Christmas Card

If this is truly dad-time, now’s your chance to make mom a unique card. You can take a silly picture, or use craft paper to make her a one-of-a-kind card. Decorate them with macaroni, candy or ribbons. Trust me: a mom always loves handmade, heartfelt gifts. Go crazy with the creativity!

Make a Snowman

This is a great excuse to get outside and play in the snow. You can make your traditional snowman or create a new kind of creature. Your imagination—or how warm your gloves are—is the limit. If you have a few cool neighbors, this might be a good time for a little snowball ambush action. Snowball fights are always fun, right?

Hot Chocolate Party

After you’ve come in from the cold, it’s alway nice to have hot chocolate. The fun part about this party… is creating a hot chocolate bar. A way kids can do something special with their warm tasty drink. You can use white chocolate, milk chocolate, whip cream, peppermint whipped cream, candy canes, and marshmallows. Pick out anything that you think would go well with chocolate… which is almost everything! You’ll love it, too!

Other Cute Ideas…

  • Ice Skating
  • Snow Angels
  • Hanging Christmas Lights
  • Wrapping Gifts
  • Helping neighbors shovel their snow
  • Writing Santa a Letter
  • Leaving Santa a snack