Cancer Horoscope

May 15, 2024… You will likely tap into deeper wells of passion today, Cancer. Are you feeling it yet? If not, visualize even a single goal for a few moments — it might do the trick. To supercharge your passion, get clear minded about the top 3 things you want to accomplish soon. Not sure what they are? Remember, not even games are played without goals. This is your life — it’s up to you to tap into what makes it amazing. You never know how long this boost of passion will last, so use it to your advantage. The top 3 things you want to accomplish — what are they?

Today’s Soul Advice: Too often we search for joy and fulfillment outside of ourselves. If we’re loved just enough, perhaps we’ll be happy. If we surround ourselves with the right type of people, maybe we’ll be happy. Sure, while good people can bring us joy and laughter, the truth is that enduring happiness comes from within. We must learn to be happy with ourselves in order to be happy for life. You can learn to be happy with yourself. Take the first step and tell yourself how awesome you are (because you ARE!).


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