Sagittarius Horoscope

May 13, 2024… You could be bitten by the travel bug today, Sagittarius, but it doesn’t require leaving town today or spending money to scratch that itch. Feeling restless? You can always research places you want to go or take a virtual tour. When the time is right, you’ll be that much more prepared for your journey… and sometimes your imagination can take you places even if your feet can’t get you there.

Today’s Soul Advice: Too often we search for joy and fulfillment outside of ourselves. If we’re loved just enough, perhaps we’ll be happy. If we surround ourselves with the right type of people, maybe we’ll be happy. Sure, while good people can bring us joy and laughter, the truth is that enduring happiness comes from within. We must learn to be happy with ourselves in order to be happy for life. You can learn to be happy with yourself. Take the first step and tell yourself how awesome you are (because you ARE!).


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