Today Is The Youngest You Will Ever Be… So Why Not Live It Up?

Today Is The Youngest You Will Ever Be… So Why Not Live It Up?
Today Is The Youngest You Will Ever Be… So Why Not Live It Up?

What’s holding you back from living your best life? Fear is one obstacle that can keep you from trying new things ― and with life, you never know what’s around the corner. Yet, when you boil it down, what are you afraid of? In the end, you’re the only one keeping yourself from tasting the things life has to offer. Life is too short to be sitting on the sidelines. It’s time to play ball my friends; it’s game time!

Routines are great but can quickly turn into a rut if we aren’t pushing ourselves to feel more alive. Which activities did you once enjoy that you might have forgotten about? Have you ever wanted to just try something new and just a little crazy? If depression or lack of energy has caused you to settle into a routine that is not fulfilling, it’s time to examine your life, schedules, relationships and other joy-suckers that may be keeping you from feeling your best. Hey, we’re not going to be any younger than we are today!

Spontaneity Will Keep Things Fresh

How about a new hairstyle? Are you up for trying a bold new color? Splurge and have a blowout or try a pretty braid. If this seems too extreme, switching up your product or donning a headband or a new hat might just be the ticket. Tired of the same old wardrobe? Treat yourself to that pretty LBD that shows your curves and hit the town. There’s also nothing like a new lipstick or splash of color to make you feel brand new. Get creative!

It’s time to try that new restaurant. Go wild and order dessert first or stick to a seriously healthy meal for a change. Buy a pretty cooking magazine next time you’re at the grocery check out. Give it a whirl and recreate 5 new dishes or hell, why not take a week off from cooking? You totally deserve it!

Switch it up

Take a new route to work, sleep under the stars or get freaky in the bedroom — very few things are off limits when it comes to bringing yourself joy or excitement! Move the furniture around. Change up the linen in your bedroom. When was the last time you played a musical instrument or listened to some music from your childhood and danced in the dark? Sing your heart out in the car. Who freaking cares if someone is watching you?!? Nothing bolsters the mood like a little rock and roll or a trip down memory lane. Phone a friend and catch up. After all, they might need a little break from the monotony of their life too.

Get Outside

Fresh air and sunshine can feel as good as a long, hot shower. Isn’t it about time you felt the wind on your face? Fill your lungs with fresh air, listen to the birds or the hum of the city. Get outside and lose yourself in the amazing things around you. Stop and smell those roses. Don’t let fear keep you trapped in the “norm”. Choose to shake things up. Now, we’re not telling you to take extreme risks like jumping off any cliffs or robbing a bank; use good sense and safety first! But you — yes you — can find a million and one ways to be more uniquely you and keep life fresh and new. There are endless opportunities just waiting for YOU! After all, today is the youngest you will ever be… so why not live it up?

Share your comments with us on how you spiced up your life, maybe it will help others too!