What Hobbies Are Worth Trying?

What Hobbies Are Worth Trying?
What Hobbies Are Worth Trying?


Writing is an excellent way to express yourself, and remember, you’re writing is how you see the world. It’s filled with your emotions of joy, laughter, hardships, daydreams, and nightmares. It allows the brain to ruffle through the darkest parts of yourself or the most outlandish ones, bouncing through space and time in a way only you can imagine. And when your memories start to fade with age, you’ve recorded parts of yourself that will last forever. Having those words printed out will serve as memory triggers to jog the brain back to those exciting moments in your life.

Start by just writing a few things a day. Try one in reality like a journal, then try writing in a fictional style as if all those stressful moments were dragons, breathing fire against the castle walls and you fought them off with courage and valor. Okay… that might be a little dramatic, but you get the point. Be creative and see if you like it. If you do, it might become your new passion.

Take online classes

You might love history, computer graphics, accounting, or physics. And the great thing about the internet, you can do all these things from the comfort of your own home wearing only your PJ’s if you prefer. By expanding your mind in different areas, you could open new doors of opportunity and receive a new lease on life

Learn to play a musical instrument

What better way to relax than with the sounds of music. Learning to play something that makes noise and then rearranging those sounds into a melody; is a rewarding talent. When you start to get the hang of things, you might want to write your own songs or play in a band. Again, we have to thank the internet because they make tutoring simple if you don’t have the time or desire to work one-on-one with someone.

Learn to cook

This can be a rewarding hobby. Not only do you learn new things, but you also get to eat them. Trying different recipes, exotic ingredients, food preparation, chopping, dicing, and frying only scratches the surface of this hobby. It’s also an excellent way to bond with friends by inviting them over to try your latest creations. Yum and fun!

Watch Documentaries

Again, thank you, internet. We now have a variety of shows we can watch on Netflix, Hulu, Prime, and many others right from the comfort of the couch. Learning about history is not only educational and handy for trivia night, but it’s addictive. So is solving a crime like Escape from Alcatraz, The Zodiac Killer, JFK’s Assassination, Jack the Ripper and all the other historical unsolved puzzles. It’s a good way to keep the mind sharp and in shape.

Learn a foreign language

Not only does speaking a different language look good on your resume, it’s just cool period. So many great apps are available on our smartphones like Podcast. It’s an excellent hobby to stimulate the mind, raise your IQ and keep the brain working correctly. Win!

Take photography or film classes

You might come to discover you like watching birds, or maybe you want to capture a moment in time and display it for all to see in a lovely piece of art. You might want to be the one who makes all the family movies for those reunions. If you have the creativity, all the cool technological things out there nowadays, you can pretty-much make pro-cut films. The editing software is incredible.


Whether it’s sewing, gluing objects into a scrapbook, or creating art out of someone else’s trash; is a great hobby to dive into. I know several people who make a living refurbishing old furniture with a fresh coat of paint. And they love their jobs! When it comes to arts and crafts, there’s no limit to what you can create.

Remember: Find something you love, then do it with passion.
Hobbies make the world a better place, and it’s food for the soul. Find out what feeds you!