
Featured articles from Daily Treasure are spotlight stories that will help you to enhance your daily life. We’ll share valuable insights into wellness practices and information that will help you to live a healthier lifestyle.

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3 Ways to Schedule Happiness Into Your Daily Routine…

3 Ways to Schedule Happiness Into Your Daily Routine…

While there are 24 hours in each day, it may seem like there are never enough to do everything you want to do. You...
5 Things Optimists Do...

5 Things Optimists Do…

There are many ways to become more positive. There are many reasons to be more positive too, of course! Some reasons include that you’ll...
5 Motivation Hacks In 5 Minutes...

5 Motivation Hacks In 5 Minutes…

If you want to get motivated, here are a few simple things you can do to bring on the “Happy”. Give yourself a clean slate You...
Surviving Another Monday…

Surviving Another Monday…

If you were good this weekend and stayed home and read a book or planted flowers in your yard, you're already one step ahead...
How to Get Out of a Speeding Ticket, According to Cops...

How to Get Out of a Speeding Ticket, According to Cops…

Getting pulled over by a police officer sucks. You start feeling scared and nervous and not quite sure why he or she pulled you...
Why Is Laughter So Important?

6 Traits Everyone Finds Attractive…

When it comes to attracting that special person, what do others view as major turn ons? If you have already found that special someone,...
Why Men Love Simple Women...

Why Men Love Simple Women…

You hear men complaining all the time about those high-maintenance women, but how often do you hear complaints about women who love the simple...
12 Things Happy People Do...

12 Things Happy People Do…

Why do some people seem to achieve happiness easier than others? Here are a few things that happy people do differently. Be happy for others When...
5 Foods For Glowing Skin...

5 Foods For Glowing Skin…

We all have our favorite skin-care products, but to have beautiful glowing skin, you must eat right. For our bodies to replace those dead...
5 Words That Will End Any Argument...

5 Simple Ways To End Any Argument…

Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone in the world could just agree on everything? It sure would make some things easier, but we all...

Featured on Daily Treasure
